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Hippie kinda Laundry

Laundry detergent has always been one of those products that just screams CHEMICALS to me. I have even come across a few kinds that irritated my skin to no end and I would be up all night scratching like a kid with lice. Being a natural living activist, deciding to put forth the effort to make a more natural and cost effective alternative was my pleasure!

What I love about this laundry detergent is it is made up of simple ingredients that have been trusted for years! No weird chemicals, no names you cant spell or pronounce, no crap that makes you stay up all night itching your way into oblivion. 

Here's how you can make your own!


** Obviously, most of these items can be found at your local grocery store, but I know some of us are on that Amazon life so I add the links the purchase.

- 1 bar of Zote Soap OR Fels-Naptha (Purchase HERE)

- 1 box Borax (Purchase HERE)

- 1 box Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (Purchase HERE)

- 1 box of 1lb baking soda (Purchase HERE

- 2 small bottles or one large bottle of Purex Crystals (Purchase HERE)

  You can also use essential oils of your choice instead!

Since I have switched to this natural alternative, I do not run into itchy situations! My clothes are super clean and I feel good knowing I did not load my clothes, THAT ARE GOING TO BE ON MY BODY ALL DAY, with chemicals and weird crap.

I understand that putting effort towards making it yourself doesn't always fit everyone's schedule. So, I have made a listing in my etsy shop where you can purchase it made and ready to go! You're welcome.

Stay green my friends!

Lady Liberosis

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